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                         Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                      09 March 2020




Presiding: P.K. Robinson


Present: P.K. Robinson, Jim Bergeron, Paul Tillotson, Kevin Guy, Julia Pheteplace, Shannon Kittelson, Bill Griffith


Guests:  None


Meeting called to order at 1900.


Architectural Control:  ACC Chair Shannon Kittelson reports no new requests this month.


The minutes of the 17 February 2020 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Bill Griffith.


Treasurer’s Report: 

Bank Balance…………………………..$16,911.46

Deposits………………………………..          75.00 (Contribution)

                                                                        211.00 (State Farm Refund)

                                                                        175.00 (Contribution)

                                                                           25.00 (ACC Fee)

                                                                              0.53 (Bank Interest)

Expenses…………………………………..…...10.00 (Cyberspace)


Checks Not Cleared Bank……………………..85.06 (Tri Lakes Printing)

                                                                          300.89 (Newsletter Supplies/Postage)

                                                                            10.00 (SecofState (HOA Registration)

Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by Paul Tillotson and a second by Kevin Guy.


Old Business: Covenant review discussed as well as policies that Kevin Guy has authored.  At the last meeting, President Lonnquist was to have coordinated policies with Mr. Guy, but she is not available at this meeting for comment.  It was agreed by all Board members that any policy changes should be run by an attorney for his/her legal opinion.

Web Site: Kevin Guy and Paul Tillotson report the site is up and running with all additions noted at the February meeting have been implemented.

Firewise: Julia Pheteplace attended the Firewise meeting and will continue to attend as the HOA representative. She mentioned that there will be four chipping dates this year, as previously noted, on 13 June, 11 July, 08 August and 12 September.


New Business: Volunteer Insurance Search continues. In an e-mail, President Lonnquist stated there are two options… one is just Medical, the other is a Workman’s Comp Policy.  Both run around $350.00.  Board members approved President Lonnquist authority to pursue the insurance policies in question and then have her decision electronically approved before the April meeting.  Bill Griffith made the motion that was seconded by Julia Pheteplace.

The annual meeting will be held in Woodmoor’s The Barn and Board members are to set up and put away all furniture.  Cost is $40 for two hours, plus a $500 check for damage that will be returned if no damage occurs.

P.K. Robinson offered wishes for Julia Pheteplace who had recent surgery and Beth Lonnquist who is in California assisting her ailing mother.

Board members were reminded to have work dates at the April meeting when they will be available to spruce up the Nevins Park in June.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 1943 on a motion by Bill Griffith and a second by Julia Pheteplace.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 13 April 2020 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.


Respectfully submitted,




Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA 
