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April 17, 2023 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Annual Member Meeting at

Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce Community Building 
Meeting called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 7:02pm.

Board members present: Beth Lonnquist, Bill Griffith, Julie Pheteplace, Shannon Kittleson and Laura Quinlan
Guests present: Approximately 30 Members in attendance.

Board Introduction
Approval of the minutes: Director Julie Pheteplace motioned to approve the March meeting minutes and Laura Quinlan made the second.  Minutes approved by the board without exception.
Approval of April 2021 minutes: Minutes were reviewed by members and approved unanimously with corrections suggested by Craig Pryor. 
Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Bill Griffith reviewed the April Treasurer’s report.  Director Laura Quinlan made a motion to approve the April Treasurer’s report and Director Julie Pheteplace made the second.  Board approved April Treasurer’s report unanimously. 
Annual Budget: Treasurer Bill Griffith reviewed the 2023 budget.  Denise Geller made a motion to approve the budget and Hans Zimmerman made the second.  The budget was approved unanimously by the members.

Firewise: Director Julie Pheteplace discussed the importance of fire mitigation and supporting our successful FireWise program which has received national recognition.  A request was made for volunteers to be on the FireWise Committee and help on chipping dates.  This year’s dates for chipping with the Fire Department are June 17 and August 12.  Volunteers should email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. It was suggested that 2 teams (am & pm) might work better than just one team for the whole day.

Covenant Vote: Director Laura Quinlan discussed the upcoming vote to determine if the majority of members would like to allow residents to have hen chickens on their property. The vote will be mailed out May 30 and must be returned by July 20.  Board members will be visiting the neighborhood in July to collect the 51% of votes needed to settle this issue.  Colorado has a “right to dry” law which allows retractable clotheslines for drying clothes.  Our covenants will be updated to comply with this law.

Board Elections: Rosalia McKean, Juliet Yack and Scott Miller nominated themselves as candidates for the 3 open positions.  Mark Fears is running for re-election as his term has expired.  Ketch Nowacki nominated Craig Pryor for a board position.  Each candidate who was present was given the opportunity to tell the members about themselves.  President Lonnquist provided information about Mark Fears (who was not present) and Craig Pryor provided information about Juliet Yack (who was not present).  The members then voted and the votes were counted by Tom Dermond and Patty Farley-Barker.  72 lot owners voted (members in attendance and Proxys) for the 3 positions.  The results were as follows:  59 votes for Rosalia McKean, 58 votes for Mark Fears, 58 votes for Scott Miller, 13 votes for Craig Pryor and 13 votes for Juliet Yack.  The 3 people with the most votes will fill the 3 positions for a 4-year term (2023-2027) The new board members are Rosalia McKean, Scott Miller and Mark Fears.

The next FVAWD meeting is April 26.

There was discussion about the proposed development Red Rock Acres and a proposed development across Highway 105.  Members were encouraged to let their concerns be known.

Annual Clean up: There was discussion about whether to have the clean-up annually or every other year due to the $1200 expense.  Hans Zimmerman made a motion to skip this year and Ketch Nowacki made the second.  The members unanimously approved the decision.

There will be a pickleball demo on May 20 at 10:00 AM in Nevins Park.  Equipment and demo will be provided.

Annual Picnic: The annual picnic will be August 26 at noon.  Bring a lawn chair and a dish to pass.  Meat and drinks will be provided by the Board.

There was discussion about the condition of Red Rock Ranch drive after the Monument Water district did their work. President Lonnquist has reached out to the Monument water district to request they repair the road.  She will post the contact information on the RRRHOA website.
Potholes should be reported to El Paso County.

Architectural Control:  Zengerle’s Split rail fence-Director Julie Pheteplace made a motion to approve the fence request and Director Shannon Kittelson made the second.  The board unanimously approved the fence request.

Lucy McGuire submitted an approval request for a fence.  Director Laura Quinlan made a motion to approve the fence, Director Bill Griffith made the second.  The fence was approved unanimously by the Board.

Members were directed to the rrrhoa.org website, Firewise tab to review the map of exit routes in the event of a fire/emergency.
Next Board meeting: May 8, zoom meeting 7pm.  Request to join can be done through the website.

President Beth Lonnquist adjourned the meeting at 8:35pm.


