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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

08 January 2007


Presiding: Bill Martin


Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Lorrayne Hodge, Phyllis Moore, Fred Lanyon, David Weber


Guests: Val Martin, Gil Moore


Meeting was called to order at 1901.


Minutes of the 11 December 2006 meeting were read and accepted as presented.  The report was voted upon unanimously after a motion to accept by Fred Lanyon and seconded by Phyllis Moore.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Martin reported a bank balance of $6548.79.  134 donations were received in 2006 for a total of $4925, a new record.  Total income for the year 2006 was $5525.80 and expenses were $13,639.22,  with a large percentage of that going for landscaping the Association Park.  Lorrayne Hodge made a motion to accept the report, it was seconded by Phyllis Moore and voted upon unanimously by the Board.


Architectural Control: No new requests this month.


Old Business: Resident John Novotny has refurbished the Park sign with lettering painted in gold for better visibility.  The Board expressed its thanks for his generous contribution.  Mr. Novotny also stated that he is not aware of anyone who does patch work on the surface of tennis courts.  His son-in-law is in the concrete business, but would only be able to accomplish a complete new surface and not just patching.  The last thing Mr. Novotny expressed was his on-going concern over the lack of road repair/improvements on the Ranch.  Communications between Mr. Novotny and County Commissioner Wayne Williams have been strictly one way with no response to letters and e-mail from the Commissioner.


New Business: Acting President Bill Martin said he received a telephone message from President Joline Lee that she will send out her annual letter to residents during January and will mention the yearly suggested donation.  Prior to sending it, with a stamped self addressed envelope, she will have Board members review it.

Jim Bergeron suggested donating $100 to the Tri-Lakes Fire Station as a sign of appreciation for the continuing use of the station for monthly meetings.  Fred Lanyon made a motion to donate $100, it was seconded by Phyllis Moore and passed unanimously by the Board.


With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 1919 on a motion by Fred Lanyon, seconded by Phyllis Moore and voted upon unanimously.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 February 2007 at the Tri-Lakes Fire Station.


Respectfully submitted,




Jim Bergeron, Recorder/Secretary

Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association  

