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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

07 February 2006


Presiding:  Bill Martin


Present:  Frank Chuba, Jim Bergeron, Bill Martin, John Sharp, Lorrayne Hodge


Guests: None


Meeting was called to order at 1901.


Minutes of the 09 January 2006 meeting were read and accepted as presented unanimously after a motion from Frank Chuba and a second by Lorrayne Hodge.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Martin reported a bank balance of $14,490.11.  He received four voluntary donations from residents totaling $155.  Also a $31 check was received as a result of an insurance class action suit.  Expenses to date are taxes on the RRRHOA property with the school bus stop, which amounted to $12.03 and that has been paid.


Old Business: The Association newsletter is ready for mailing, thanks to the efforts of Don and Lorrayne Hodge.  It was printed at Tri-Lakes Printing for a fee of $60 and the printing shop personnel gave a disc with addresses and names taken from the tax rolls, although some people listed are in the Water District, and are not on Red Rock Ranch.  Frank Chuba volunteered to take the disc and delete the names and addresses not on the Ranch.  Phyllis Moore volunteered to help with stuffing and addressing envelopes.

The bulletin board issue mentioned in last month’s minutes could not be discussed since both board members involved were absent from the meeting.  It is unknown at this time whether or not Water Board President Barbara Reed-Polatty has responded to the Association’s offer of the bulletin board.

The report on the new Colorado law concerning homeowners associations was not discussed since the reporting officer was absent.  It should be noted that resident Ketch Nowacki did e-mail a three page synopsis of the law to all Board members.


 New Business:  Bill Martin mentioned landscaping at the RRRHOA Park. As noted, two water mains are in place next to the tennis court and Michaele Duncan has offered to head the landscaping program, but that may be two to three months off, depending on the weather.

Jim Bergeron mentioned the possible burglary attempt on the upper Ranch about which residents were notified by the message sent through the courtesy of Jase Campbell.  There have been no reports since then and the El Paso County Sheriff and Monument Police are aware of the incident.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1948 on a motion by Frank Chuba and seconded by Phyllis Moore. The motion carried unanimously.


The next meeting will be at 1900 on Tuesday, 07 March 2006 at the Tri-Lakes Fire Station.  Please note the date change which is a result of a scheduling conflict with the Fire Department.


Respectfully submitted,




Jim Bergeron, Secretary

Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association
