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July 11, 2022 Red Rock Ranch Home Owners Association Monthly Board  Meeting

 Board Members:  Beth Lonnquist, Shannon Kittleson, Skip Chang, Bill Griffith, Doreen McLaughlin, Julie Pheteplace, Paul Tillotson, Mark Fears

 Guests:  John Luman, Craig Pryor

 Meeting called to order at 7:03pm.

 Architectural Control Request:

 John Luman, 4840 Limestone Rd., requested approval for a new fence.  It will be a split rail build with wire inside for pets.  Skip motioned for approval, Bill had the second, Board approved.

 Doreen had more information about her fence, work was to begin on the 18th.  Work being done by Jake’s Fencing.  She informed the Board about what she had found out about putting a fence across a septic leach field.  Shannon motioned for approval for Doreen’s request, Bill had the second, and the Board approved.

 June Minutes:

 Doreen pointed out that the date needed to be updated which Mark has done.  Mark wanted to thank Doreen for helping to keep him on track.  Doreen motioned for approval and Skip seconded.  Board approved.

 Treasurer’s Report:

 Bill reported that the HOA had $21,837.16 at the end of June.  $73.00 had been paid for website costs, $206.96 had been paid for FireWise shirts.  There had been $985.00 in total contributions since June 1st.  Along with money for the shirts, $503.84 had been paid out for the chipper and lunch for the volunteers.  The HOA had received a $100.00 refund from the dumpsters not being delivered on time and $0.18 in interest.  $377.00 had been paid to FireWise and there might be more money required for chipping operations/Firewise.  At the time of the Board meeting, the treasury balance was $21,993.05

 There have 103 contributions to date which is 49% of the home owners.  37 have given above the suggested dues amount.

 Skip motioned for approval of the Treasurer’s report, Paul had the second, Board approved.


 Paul and Kevin reported that the website had been backed up with no down time.  They were continuing research/work on electronic voting.  There is some difficulty in getting everyone registered.  They estimated that maybe 60% were signed up electronically.


 Chipping is scheduled for the upcoming weekend.  Everyone requesting chipping are up to date on having paid HOA dues.

 Bill recommended that the Board allocate additional money for FireWise.  Elizabeth also said she thought more support was warranted.  Bill suggested another $500.00.  Doreen motioned for approval with Skip 2nd.  Board approved.

 Cleanup Day:

 Dumpsters scheduled to be at the park on August 6th and 7th.  New sign up sheet for working at the Park will be available.  Keith, Elizabeth’s husband, and Skip have been keeping the park mowed.

 Forest View Acres Water District:

 A contract was sent to cover the requested easement.  It will be sometime next year before the hookup is completed.  Mark had the 1st for approval and Julie had the 2nd.  Board approved.

 GTG/Red Rock Acres development:

 No new information about any action at this time.  El Paso County is recommending the developer meet with NEPCO about future plans.

 Zoom connection:

 The Board has been using Kevin’s company account.  Paul found a non-profit account that will allow the Board to use Zoom for about $5.00 a month. Doreen motioned for using the new account, Skip seconded, Board approved.



 The HOA members’ picnic will be August 27.  Initially, it was decided to provide pulled pork and chicken.  Bill said he would bring water and soda. We will be missing Skip and may be Shannon for the picnic.

 Settlement procedures:

 Discussed reviewing comments received from the mailers.  Keith had received some comments about goats and how expensive it is to use them for abatement.  Discussed how having a question about goats on the upcoming ballot made for a longer, more involved document.  It was decided to table the question of goats at this time.  Mark had the 1st, Skid 2nd, Board approved.

 Information about goats would be added to the newsletter for information for later consideration.

 Post cards were mailed out to garner comments in regards to chickens.  Elizabeth bought stamps for the mailing.  Reimbursement for Elizabeth’s costs were approved with Skip having the 1st, Bill the 2nd.

 Neighborhood Watch:

 Because of activity at the Mt. Herman trail head, the Board discussed options for maintaining a safe environment for the HOA.  It was reported that it would cost at least $7,000.00 to hire private security.  There was question if that would possibly make homeowners’ insurance cheaper.  It was noted that crime has declined in the area.  Also, it was discussed that monitoring mailboxes is necessary.  Asking members for suggestions at the picnic was suggested also.


 Board recommends storage but there is no prohibition on campers/rvs being parked on owners property.  It is suggested making the units less conspicuous. It was also noted that HOAs can’t regulate parking on streets per state law.


 Noise is not covered by the Covenants.  There might be some county regulations.

 Around the Room:

 An owner’s concern over fire pits was brought up for discussion.  There is nothing in the covenants regarding fire pit use.

 Clothes lines and State statutes pertaining their use was discussed.

 Mailings to be done August 8th.  Afterwards,  Board will go out to solicit the return of the ballots.  Will need to finished by November 9th.


 Mark motioned adjournment, Skip had the second.  Meeting closed at 8:07pm.

