October 10, 2022 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Board Monthly Meeting
Zoom meeting called to order by Director Skip Chang at 7:00pm.
Board members present: Skip Chang, Kevin Guy, Paul Tillotson, Doreen McLaughlin, Bill Griffith and Julie Pheteplace
Guests present: Heidi Juell
Director Chang asked if any guests had any concerns or comments at this time. Heidi Juell expressed concern about recent slash fires. She wondered if the HOA could do anything to restrict those fires. After lengthy discussion, it was decided that she would contact Jamie Baumgartner at TLFD to see if he would advise residents requesting a permit to contact the RRR FireWise committee to schedule chipping before burning slash. If that is unsuccessful, she will contact El Paso County to see if they might advise the same. She will follow up with Director Julie Pheteplace.
September Minutes: Director Julie Pheteplace made a motion to approve the September minutes, Director Bill Griffith second. The board approved the meeting minutes unanimously. Director Kevin Guy asked if the August minutes had been corrected as Craig Pryor requested. Director Paul Tillotson confirmed they had been corrected and posted on the website.
Treasurers Report: Director Bill Griffith reviewed the September Treasurer’s report. September’s beginning balance was $21,624.10. September deposits were $682.68 and expenses were $223.59 with an ending balance of $22,083.19. The only significant expense anticipated for the 2022 calendar year is an insurance renewal. Director Guy motioned to approve the September Treasurer’s report, Director Tillotson second. The board unanimously approved the September Treasurer’s report.
Old Business: Director Tillotson reported that the website has been working fine.
Park Clean-up and Repair: Thank you to Keith Lonnquist for mowing the park. Construction company laying piping for the Monument water upgrade decided not to use Nevins park for their staging area. There were about 35 people who attended the pickle ball lessons, with more requesting one in the spring. There was a discussion about adding 8 feet of concrete at the ends of the existing tennis court so we can have 2 pickleball courts. (requested by David Jones). There was discussion about completely resurfacing/replacing the tennis court instead of doing piecemeal. No decisions were made at this time and the board will discuss again at a later date. Thank you, Director Pheteplace, for repainting the bench at the tennis court. Director Guy requested approval of $400 to fix the sprinkler system at the park. Director McLaughlin motioned to approve, Paul second. The board unanimously approved the expenditure.
FireWise: Director Pheteplace reported that the October 1 chipping was the final event for FireWise for this year. In 2022 48 properties were chipped and 1292 volunteer hours were spent. The 2023 action plan will focus on continuing the successful chipping program, clearing two right of way road segments and encouraging residents to get a property assessment. The FireWise committee would like to put a piece in the RRR HOA Newsletter in the spring. Dave Betzler is stepping down as director of the committee. The committee is looking for new board members.
Forest View Acres Water District: Next meeting scheduled for October 26. GTG property developer will attend this meeting.
Short term rental issue: Director Griffith received confirmation that the certified letter sent to the resident by the HOA was received. No further response has been received. It appears the property is no longer listed on Air BNB website.
Settlement: Director Griffith reported that we received 45 votes for option 1, 27 votes for option 2 and 42 votes for option 3. There is not a majority of homeowner votes in any one area to change the covenants. Article 20 and 22 stand as the original covenant.
Director Chang adjourned the meeting at 8:01pm.