Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
10 August 2020
NOTE: The meeting was split between in person (Beth Lonnquist and Skip Chang) at Skip Chang’s shop and remainder of the board members joining in via Zoom.
Presiding: President Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Kevin Guy, Shannon Kittelson, Paul Tillotson, Bill Griffith, Julie Pheteplace, Skip Chang
Guests: Mark Fears
The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1902.
Architectural Control:
Paul and Shelly Tillotson: Raising the height of his existing detached garage by 21”. Motion to approve was made by Julie Pheteplace and seconded by Shannon Kittelson. Passed by the Board.
David and Julie Pheteplace: Paint the exterior of the house using the same color as currently painted and replace windows. Motion to approve was made by Paul Tillotson and seconded by Shannon Kittelson. Passed by the Board.
Minutes of the 13 July 2020 meeting was approved electronically. They are currently posted on the web site.
Treasurer’s Report: The current bank balance is $26,209.82.
Contributions $533.80
Bank Interest $0.89
Park Water $4.55
Website $96.00
Clean-up Dumpster $395.00
Total contributions for 2020 $10,580.00
Contributors above $75 44
Total ACC fees to date $1,127.00
Total Exceptional 2020 Expenses:
Net Firewise Contribution $1,450.74
Legal Expenses to Date None
Insurance Expenses to date $141.00
Treasurer’s Report approved after a motion to accept by Skip Chang and a second by Kevin Guy.
Picnic: Due to COVID concerns, this year’s picnic is cancelled. Beth Lonnquist has placed signs by the park and signs throughout the neighborhood.
Old Business: It was decided to stop moving the covenant update issue month by month and delay it to beginning of 2021.
Web Site: Domain registration expiration to be checked by Kevin Guy and Paul Tillotson. No more charges are expected for the web site hosting (cyberbasement)
Firewise: The next chipping date is September 12. No plan for October chipping date. Julie Pheteplace started the conversation regarding the fire danger sign. No decision on the look/size of the sign was made at this board meeting. It HOA dues must be paid to participate.
The brochures for emergency evacuation from Red Rock Ranch to be printed by El Paso county (up to 500 copies) . The brochures will be included in the annual letter to the homeowners. Evacuation exercise is postponed till Spring of 2021.
The brochure will also be emailed out when the annual letters are sent out.
Watering: Sprinkler system repair to be completed by end of the summer. The controller appears to be in working order.
Tennis Courts: Since Jamie Madison has resigned, no update was reported. The new board member, Mark Fears, has volunteered to get the estimates for refinishing. Funding is planned for 2021.
Mowing was done in June. We have not received the invoice and no contact info is available. Beth Lonnquist suggested we contact Jim Bergeron for the mower’s contact info.
New Business:
Mark Fears, former board member and the board president has returned and would like to become active in the community. With the resignation of Jim Bergeron, Mark has volunteered to be a board member. Motion to approve was made by Jule Pheteplace and seconded by Bill Griffith. Passed by the Board.
Jamie Madison has resigned her position on the board.
Open invitation for the dues paying HOA member to volunteer to be a member of the board. Please email your interest to
Tri Lakes has said we can continue meeting once they open up the building after COVID restrictions are lifted. In the meantime, Skip Chang has volunteered his detached shop as a temporary location to meet. Based on individual’s comfort level for group meeting due to the COVID situation, we will most likely continue to hold hybrid meetings – some in person and remainder via VTC (video teleconfercing). If interested in joining the meeting please use the “Contact Board President” on the website under the Board of Directors tab.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 14 September 2020 at Tri Lakes Cares, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado. If the COVID restrictions are not lifted, a VTC meeting or at Skip Chang’s shop or hybrid approach will be use.
Respectfully submitted,
Skip Chang
Board Member/Secretary, RRRHOA