Large Dumpster Days
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Saturday 8 to 5 and Sunday 8 to 4
Board Member must be present to Dump items.
These items are not accepted
What items cannot go in the dumpster:
- Asbestos
- Liquids
- Paint cans with wet paint
- TV's
- Hazardous materials
- Tires
- Items that contain freon. If any refrigerators, freezers or air conditioners are found in the dumpster, an additional $110 processing fee will be charged.
- Cylinders- Propane, oxygen, helium
- Dirt, rock , concrete or sand ( all must be pre approved prior to the delivery of the container. Any concrete pieces bigger than 2ft x 2ft without approval will be charged double. )
- Mattresses- (there is an additional charge of $100 each for mattresses and box springs and they must be approved prior to the delivery of the container .)
Prescribed fire planned at Monument Fire Center
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Prescribed burn of the national forest behind Red Rock Ranch.
Media Contact: Shawna Graves
(719) 466-9122
Prescribed fire planned at Monument Fire Center
Colorado Springs, Colo., May 17, 2024— The Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Pikes Peak Ranger District is preparing to conduct a
prescribed fire at Monument Fire Center, 1.5 miles west of Monument, Colo., in June 2024. Ignitions are weather dependent and are expected to take place over three days at Memorial
Grove, Monument Rock and the Mt. Herman trailhead. Once the prescribed fire begins, smoke
may be present for several days or weeks in the general project area. Prescribed fire smoke
may affect your health; please go to for additional information.
The purpose of the project is to utilize prescribed fire to reduce surface fuel loads and to
restore ecosystem health on up to 1,000 acres. Objectives include reducing the amount of pine
needles, leaves, small branches, and oak brush, as well as reducing woody debris left over from
earlier stages of the project.
Historically, low-elevation Ponderosa Pine ecosystems such as those at Monument, are
estimated to have burned every 10 years. Prescribed fire will help mimic the natural fire regime
and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire.
The Monument Fire Center project is part of an ongoing, collaborative restoration project
developed with partners including the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute, The Nature Conservancy, and neighbors. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service has been
working with the Monument Fire Department, the mayors of Monument and Palmer Lake, and the El Paso County Health Department to share information about this project. The Forest
Service has also been communicating with adjacent homeowner associations including Red Rock Ranch, Mt. Herman Road, Shilo Pines and Forest View.
Many organizations have helped prepare for this project, including Team Rubicon, Friends of Monument, El Paso County Wildland Support Module, Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and
Control Tava Module, Pike Interagency Hotshot Crew, The Nature Conservancy, Module 9, and Tatanka Hotshots.
Updates on the project will be posted on Facebook and X (formerly twitter) @PSICC_NF.
Note from Beth Lonnquist
The Pike Peak Range is one of the top 10 areas in the United States with Wildland Urban Interface between communities and National Forests that is at risk of Wildfire. This will remove
lower fuels in a controlled environment to lessen an uncontrolled event. The experts are looking to conduct the burn in ideal conditions with Many back up resources from the state and local
areas (over 20 agencies)
The forest service planed dates are June 10 or June 17, depending on conditions. They are expecting 4 to 5 foot flames and will burn into the center over 3 days. The public is discouraged from entering the area for 4 to 8 weeks.
To prepare for the burn, I am going to clear those pine needles from around my home. (for stray embers) I will look to get an air purifier with a heppa filter air filter for my home. (Help to
mitigate the smoke in my home... ) I will sign up for the El Paso County Reverse 911 for notifications.
This protects our homes, protects the forest (where this would happen naturally with lightening
strikes) and this will help protect the fire fighters in future events.
Welcome to the newly elected Board members
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Welcome to the newly elected Board members: Laura Quinlan, Chris Jones and Craig Williams. Thank you to all HOA Homeowners that came to the Member meeting or participated by proxy. This assured a proper quorum by the members for our election. The Picnic is early this year... June 8. Bring a chair and a dish to share. We will have more information on FireWise and Homeowner insurance at the picnic. We will start at 12, noon.
Large garbage weekend is June 15 & 16. There will be 2 dumpsters. Please do not dump without a Board member present. We will start at 8 am and close at 4 pm.
What items cannot go in the dumpster:
Asbestos Liquids
Paint cans with wet paint TV's
Hazardous materials Tires
Items that contain freon. If any refrigerators, freezers or air conditioners are found in the dumpster, an additional $110 processing fee will be charged.
Cylinders- Propane, oxygen, helium
Dirt, rock , concrete or sand
Many of these items can go to the El Paso County Household Hazardous Waste Facility Check out their website for a list of places to take these items.
Hope to see you at the Picnic!
Beth Lonnquist, President
New RRRHOA Board Member Election
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At the Annual RRRHOA Member meeting on April 22, 2024, the RRRHOA Board held elections for three open positions on the board. The three new elected board members are Laura Quinlan, Chris Jones, and Craig Williams. We thank all the candidates that ran and ask everyone to welcome the new board members in their volunteer position to help the community.